POSTER P301: Dysh: Spectral-Line Calibration of SDFITS Files

ADASS posters are displayed all week


10:01 p.m., Nov. 7, 2023

Theme: User Experience for astronomical software


The Laboratory for Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (LMA) at The University of Maryland (UMD) is working with The Green Bank Observatory (GBO) to create Dysh, a replacement for GBTIDL, GBO’s current data-reduction package. Dysh will be an open-source, Python-based spectral line reduction and analysis software for Single-Dish FITS (SDFITS) files that takes advantage of well-known packages such as Astropy and Specutils. Features will include equal or better data calibration quality than GBTIDL, enhanced data reduction options, faster I/O speeds, and easily-implemented custom scripts.

Dysh is scheduled for completion in 2025 with several intermediate releases, and it has the flexibility to be implemented at other single-dish radio telescopes, such as the Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT).


Victoria Catlett, Green Bank Observatory