POSTER P608: Towards Machine-Interpretable Coordinate Transform Metadata in Heliophysics

ADASS posters are displayed all week


11:08 p.m., Nov. 8, 2023

Theme: Software, tools and standards for Solar System, heliophysics, and planetary research


We report on the preliminary developments and recommendations from an ad-hoc working group for coordinate transforms in Heliophysics. The working group identified three needs: (1) The development of a comprehensive standard for acronyms and definitions, (2) the implementation of comprehensive software, services, and unit tests for coordinate transforms; and (3) understanding the uncertainty of transforms due to implementation choices. The current focus of the working group is to develop either a recommendation for additions to an existing standard (such as SPASE or IOVA) or to develop an independent standard if needed. Completion of these will enable developments related to the latter items. We also give examples of existing transform software and services that justify the need for items (2) and (3) and the possibility of using SPICE (Spacecraft Planet Instrument C-matrix and Events) as part of the software and services.


Robert S Weigel, George Mason University